Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mangosteen - Dragon Fruit *KISS* Smoothie

Feel refreshed and energized from this delicious and kissable smoothie!
Smooth, Sweet, Energizing, it will activate the lover in you and your sweetheart...

It will love you just as much as you will love it

Place ingredients in blender and blend for 1 minute!

1 ripe Dragon Fruit
1 Can Mangosteens - or 10 fresh Mangosteens
2 Manila Mango's
1 Tbs. Chia Seeds
1/2 tsp Kelp Powder
3 c. Water

Now go enjoy this refreshing tropical smoothie 
and share it with your lover 
then enjoy a sweet kiss of love and fruit together!


Blogs I'm Linked To:
Life with the Crust Cut Off

1 comment:

  1. Hi, looks good. What is mangosteens? Are they the same as mangos? I enjoyed exploring your blog. I am hoping over from the Climb



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